Flower beds and termites: How to protect your home.


According to the LSU Agriculture Center, there are over 10 colonies of subterranean termites per acre in Louisiana. The odds are stacked against the homeowner. However, whether you are a do-it yourselfer or you pay a termite company to protect your home from termites; there are a few things you can do to lessen the likelihood of your home getting termites. Many homes are found to have subterranean termites during the Wood Destroying Insect Inspection (termite certificate) that is performed for the act of sale. Very often, the termite infestation is a direct result of not following the tips listed below:

• If your home is on a slab, make sure to keep at least 3 inches of your foundation visible. This way you or your termite company can detect the small termite mud tubes that termites use to attack your home.

• Do not place any wood mulch (pine bark, cypress, etc.) within 2 feet of your home. Termites eat wood and even so called treated mulch will attract termites to your foundation. Pine straw or rocks are best next to your home.

• Eliminate any wood to soil contact around your home (lattice, arbors, lawn timbers).

• Do not plant anything (herb gardens included) within 2 feet of your foundation. If your home has been treated by a termite company, you will disturb the product barrier which is about 6 inches wide and 6 inches deep next to your foundation. When you disturb the termite product in the soil, you void any warranties your termite company may have on your home.

Give us a call if you have any questions.


Joe E. Arceneaux, Board Certified Entomologist Arceneaux Pest Management Service

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