Debunking Common Myths About Termite Extermination

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Pest Control, pest control services, pest exterminator, pest inspection, pest management services, Technicians, Termite baiting system, termite control, termite exterminator, Termite Inspections, Termite Swarms, termite treatment, Termites

Debunking Common Myths About Termite Extermination

Termites might be tiny, but they can cause big headaches for homeowners. Because termite activity often occurs out of sight—within walls, foundations, or deep in the soil—misinformation about how to detect, prevent, or eliminate termites runs rampant. Below, we’ll tackle some of the most prevalent myths surrounding termite extermination, separating fact from fiction to help […]

Termite Damage vs. Other Wood-Destroying Pests – How to Tell the Difference

Ants, Baton Rouge, carpenter ant, carpenter bee, Exterminator, insect control, Insects, Louisiana, Pest Control, pest control services, pest exterminator, pest inspection, pest management services, powderpost beetle, Technicians, termite control, Termite Inspections, termite treatment, Termites

Termite Damage vs. Other Wood-Destroying Pests – How to Tell the Difference

When you notice suspicious holes in your wooden structures or see piles of sawdust around the house, you may immediately conclude it’s a termite infestation and you need termite treatment in Baton Rouge. While termites are a common and costly menace, they aren’t the only culprits that can wreak havoc on wooden elements in your […]

Debunking 5 Common Myths About Insect Pest Control in Baton Rouge

Baton Rouge, Commercial Pest Control, insect control, insect pest control, Louisiana, Pest Control, pest control services, pest exterminator, pest inspection, pest management services

Debunking 5 Common Myths About Insect Pest Control in Baton Rouge

Misinformation about insect pest control can make matters worse, resulting in ineffective treatments, wasted money, and bigger infestations down the line. Whether you’re struggling with ants in the kitchen, mosquitoes in the backyard, or cockroaches in the bathroom, it’s important to separate fact from fiction. Let’s cover the most common myths about insect pest control […]

Keep Mice Out of Your Home This Fall_ Tips From Our Pest Exterminator in Baton Rouge

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Pest Control, pest control services, pest exterminator, pest inspection, pest management services, Rodents

Keep Mice Out of Your Home This Fall_ Tips From Our Pest Exterminator in Baton Rouge

As the temperatures drop for the winter season, mice are on the move, searching for warm, cozy places to settle. Unfortunately, your Louisiana home could be their ideal destination, especially if you aren’t thinking proactively. Gaps in your windows or doors, crumbs in the pantry, and piles of papers and laundry on the floors are […]

How to Identify a Roach Infestation in Your Home

cockroach, Commercial Pest Control, Exterminator, insect control, Louisiana, Pest Control, pest control services, pest exterminator, pest inspection, pest management services, roaches, Technicians

How to Identify a Roach Infestation in Your Home

Roaches are one of the most common and resilient pests you can have in your Louisiana home. These insects are known for their ability to survive in various environments and their rapid reproduction, which is why they can become a major problem quickly. If you can identify an infestation early on, you have a better […]

What Types of Bugs Can Be Confused for Bed Bugs

Baton Rouge, bed bug pest control, bed bugs, Bedbugs, Exterminator, Fleas, insect control, Insects, LA, Louisiana, Pest Control, pest control services, pest exterminator, pest inspection, pest management services

What Types of Bugs Can Be Confused for Bed Bugs

Here at Arceneaux Pest Management Service, our pest exterminators in Baton Rouge receive regular calls from people who find bugs in their beds. While seeing a bug in your bed can be a cause for concern, it doesn’t automatically mean that you have a bed bug infestation on your hands. It could be a tiny […]