Do-it-Yourselfers, Beware!

Formosan Termites, Termite Inspections, Termites

Look closely at the picture and you will see a dirt clod full of termites laying next to a foundation slab. This homeowner, a do-it-yourselfer, inspected his home often for termites. He is a chemical engineer and thought he was saving money by treating the house himself. He didn’t think he needed the help of […]

Listen to Us on the Radio!

Termite Inspections, Termite Swarms, Termites

These are a few of our radio spots currently running on WJBO. WJBO 3-18-2013 05_26_37_01 (1) WJBO 3-19-2013 06_19_02_46 WJBO 3-18-2013 07_19_08_70 Call us for a free termite inspection and estimate.

Formosan Termites Swarming

Formosan Termites, Termite Inspections, Termite Swarms, Termites

The Cost of Formosan Termites Two years ago, the owners of a $500,000 home decided $1,500 was too much money to spend on a preventative termite treatment. Having their home treated was not that important to them. This morning, however, they eagerly called our office wanting to schedule the treatment after having thousands of Formosan […]

Termites in Stumps

Formosan Termites, Termite Inspections, Termites

Termites in Stumps Yesterday I went to see one of our commercial client’s who was panicked because he found live Formosan termites in the baseboard and walls of an apartment unit. The building had a tree stump next to the slab, which I had asked the management company to remove years ago since termites will […]

Termites are Never Dormant

Formosan Termites, Termite Inspections, Termite Swarms, Termites

Termites Do Not Lay Dormant Termite swarming season is right around the corner in South Louisiana. With ten colonies per acre of soil on average, and each colony containing 2,000-3,000 termites, they are constantly devouring wood. Subterranean termites are the buzzards of the forest. They are very beneficial in eliminating dead wood, limbs, and other […]

Termite Queen in Waiting

Formosan Termites, Termite Inspections, Termites

When Joe inspected the home he found a small suspended colony of Formosan Termites in the bottom of the post.