Formosan Termite Damage Adds Up

Formosan Termites, Termite Inspections, Termites

Joe went to a home in Baton Rouge yesterday at the request of a real estate agent who uses our services regularly. She wanted a second opinion on a house she was selling that another termite company had under contract for a long time. Joe found massive Formosan termite damage to the soffit, fascia, rafters, […]

Introducing Michael, Our New Pest Technician

Ants, bees, Insects, spiders, Stored Product Pests, Technicians

This week we welcomed our newest Pest Technician, Michael Brabham, to the Arceneaux Pest Control team. Joe has known Michael for many years, and Michael has 12 years experience in the pest control industry. Michael is serious about customer service and knows all of the ins and outs of quality pest control service. And like […]

Honey Bees in Prairieville

bees, Insects

Bees in Prairieville Jared captured this photo of some honey bees in Prairieville who were hard at work. He took a quick snapshot with his iPhone while doing a termite treatment in Prairieville. These bees are everywhere during this time of the year. What a great picture! Thanks, Jared! We should also offer a reminder […]

Honey Bees

bees, Insects

Jared captured this photo using his iPhone while doing a termite treatment in Prairieville. What a great picture! Thanks, Jared!

Check us out on Angie’s List

Formosan Termites, Insects, spiders, Technicians, Termite Inspections, Termites

If you are a member of Angie’s List, you know how important it is to hire a company with an excellent reputation. Here’s a Recent Review We Received From an Angie’s List Member: Angie’s List Member Comments: My family moved from New Orleans to Baton Rouge and we needed to find a pest control company […]

Cicada Sounds

Cicadas, Contests, Insects, Technicians

If you live near woods, you may have noticed a strange humming sound over the last few days. Don’t be alarmed–it’s just the cicada. It’s a really interesting explanation. The sound you are hearing is the mating call of Brood XXII of the Magicidadas. This brood emerges once every 13 years to mate, lay eggs, and […]