The Livingston Business Journal Article

Ants, bees, Insects, Rodents, spiders, Technicians, Termite Inspections, Termites

The Livingston Business Journal Article

Arceneaux Pest Management Featured in Journal Article Arceneaux Pest Management was recently featured in an article that appeared in The Livingston Business Journal. Here’s a portion of the article, with a link to read the full article on the Journal’s website. Many thanks to the Livingston Parish Business Journal for the profile and for being so […]

Termites Like Cracks

Formosan Termites, Termite Inspections, Termites

Termites Like Cracks

Termites Like Cracks Subterranean and Formosan termite colonies are located deep underground. A colony tunnels through the soil about six inches below the turf looking for cellulose to consume. Often during this process, the termites run into slab foundations. Termites like cracks, especially foundation cracks which offer protection. If the perimeter of the home has not […]

Termite Swarms in Louisiana Blot Out Radar

Formosan Termites, Termite Swarms

It is common knowledge among our termite exterminators and inspectors that termite swarms number in the millions and make up massive clouds that are large enough to be downright scary. However, only recently did we discover that these swarms are so large and dense that they can show up on radar screens. Thanks to the […]

Formosan Termites Swarm in Our Area

Formosan Termites, Termite Inspections, Termite Swarms, Termites

Formosan Termites Recently Swarmed Formosan termites have been swarming big time in our area for a few weeks. The swarms have gotten more severe over the last decade as Formosan termites begin to heavily infest the Greater Baton Rouge area. We answered over 70 calls in one day. Calls came in from Ascension, East Baton […]

Baton Rouge Termites On Their Way

Formosan Termites, Termite Inspections, Termite Swarms, Termites

The Advocate does not usually report on termite or pest-related issues, so you know it must be bad when they warn, “Termites start swarming in New Orleans area, Baton Rouge could be plagued soon.” We’ve already seen evidence of termite swarms in Baton Rouge and surrounding communities, but the brunt of the swarming is yet […]

The Importance of Annual Inspections

Formosan Termites, Termite Inspections, Termites

If you want to protect your investment, allowing a professional to inspect your home on an annual basis is very important. Annual inspections do not have to be a hassle, they can be completed quickly and affordably. Today we performed an inspection for a property owner who is preparing to sell his home. This home […]